Community Development

Moisson Montréal

Moisson Montréal warehouse

Photo: Moisson Montréal

Holiday hampers making during the "2019 Christmas Harvest" event

Photo: Moisson Montréal

Volunteer at work

Photo: Moisson Montréal

Volunteers at work

Photo: Moisson Montréal

Feeding a community through mutual support

Founded in 1984, Moisson Montréal is the largest food bank in Canada. Every year, thanks to its network of over 300 agri-food suppliers, it collects 20 million kilos of perishable and non-perishable food from wholesalers, processors and agricultural producers’ surpluses. Moisson Montréal's expertise and management know-how ensure that it is able to distribute over $15 worth of food for every $1 donation.

Contributing to the development of sustainable solutions

Moisson Montréal provides food support to those who need it through its food bank and the organizations it serves. In addition to supplying safe and nutritious food products free of charge, it plays a part in lessening the amount of food that is needlessly thrown away and wasted. 54% of the food distributed by Moisson Montréal is fresh or minimally processed.

Power Corporation shares Moisson Montréal’s values of respect, integrity, equity, mutual support and commitment, and is proud to help in the development of sustainable food security solutions within the community of the Island of Montréal. 



community organizations assisted on the Island of Montréal


requests for food aid fulfilled every month by their community agencies


of the beneficiaries of their food pantry programs are children


See the video from Moisson Montréal.
