Community Development

Fondation Olo

Rendez-vous Olo, an annual event that combines an annual general meeting with a conference on a topic related to its mission, is an opportunity to bring together members, team and donors around Olo’s cause.

Photo: Marc-Antoine Zouéki

Dîner Olo, Olo’s annual fundraising event, rallies its partners for a gastronomic lunch, networking sessions and a few fun surprises.

Photo: Marc-Antoine Zouéki

30 years of healthy babies!

Photo: Fondation Olo

5,000 new families give birth to healthy babies every year and receive support as they learn to eat well, make home-cooked meals, and enjoy family mealtimes.

Photo: Fondation Olo

250,000 healthy babies since 1991.

Photo: Fondation Olo

The Discovery Kit offers community organizations about fifteen tools and messages on healthy eating for families. It is offered free to supporting organizations working on the first 1,000 days of life.

Photo: Marc-Antoine Zouéki

For healthy babies

The mission of Fondation Olo is to give families an equal chance of bringing a healthy baby into the world and introducing them to healthy eating habits early in life. Established in 1991, Olo takes action during the critical period of the first 1,000 days of life, from pregnancy until the child turns two. Babies are born healthier and learn healthy eating habits early in life, which helps them grow and thrive. Olo follow-up care is provided by the healthcare and social services network and by a growing number of indigenous communities and community organizations, and works two ways:

  • Helps babies be born healthy and strong: Olo offers customized nutritional support and personal assistance to expectant mothers by providing prenatal vitamins and food vouchers redeemable for eggs, milk and frozen vegetables. This “Olo trio” of foods fulfills a significant portion of a pregnant woman’s daily nutritional requirements.
  • Helps families learn healthy eating habits: Olo provides professional advice and educational tools for parents, such as the Olo Blog, to encourage three healthy eating habits early on in life: eating well, making home-cooked meals and enjoying family mealtimes.
Eating a nutritious diet during pregnancy and maintaining healthy eating during the first two years of a child’s life can be challenging for a number of parents. Power Corporation is proud to help babies get a healthy start in life, the positive impacts of which will be felt for many years to come.
Luc Reny
Vice-President and member
Power Corporation and Fondation Olo



babies born healthier since 1991


pregnant women in vulnerable situations receive Olo follow-up care every year


first days of life, from pregnancy until the child reaches two years of age


See videos from Fondation Olo (in french only).
