High school dropout rates are a significant human, social, and economic concern, especially for the over 300,000 youth living in disadvantaged communities across Canada, who often face barriers to completing their education.
Founded in 2001, Pathways to Education (“Pathways”) provides students with tailored resources and the support network they need to graduate from high school. The Pathways Program combines academic, financial, social, and other personalized supports, to remove obstacles to graduation. This approach is proven to promote positive youth development by meeting the needs of youth during the critical years of high school and contribute to long-term social change by building a more equitable economy, lowering public healthcare costs, and breaking the cycle of poverty.
Power Corporation, in collaboration with Canada Life and IG Wealth Management, has partnered with Pathways to extend equitable and accessible education to thousands of students from underserved communities. Power Corporation's partnership will focus particularly on supporting Pathways Program locations in the province of Quebec, with the goal of helping more than 3,000 students each year, particularly those from diverse, visible and ethnic minority backgrounds, complete their high school studies and gain access to a brighter future.
Together, Power Corporation, its group companies, and Pathways are committed to empowering a new generation of young Quebecers to build the foundation for a successful future.
average graduation rate in the communities served by Pathways
of Pathways graduates transitioned to post-secondary education or training
Pathways Program locations across Canada
students across Canada have received support from the Pathways Program since 2001