Currently, one in five elders has no one to turn to in their lives for support or companionship and more than 50 per cent of men and women in their 80s self-identify as lonely and isolated. This social confinement can lead to serious physical repercussions, including an increased likelihood of illness, a higher incidence of depression or suicide, greater risk of abuse and even a 60 per cent higher risk of cognitive impairment.
Since 1962, Little Brothers seeks to solve this problem by providing lonely seniors aged 75 and up (whom they affectionately refer to as their Great Friends) with life-long support, companionship and community. Power Corporation is pleased to partner with Little Brothers to break seniors’ isolation and bring joy to their lives.
Quality human relationships, which are fundamental for all humans, are essential for the Little Brothers who prides itself on going beyond meeting basic needs. By nourishing the Great Friends’ hearts with love and compassion, the volunteers allow them to experience once again a sense of fulfillment in their final years.
The Little Brothers manage to relieve the pain and loneliness of those who make up some of the most vulnerable in our communities.
Great Friends helped every year through the 16 local chapters located in 11 regions
The average age of the Great Friends
visits by volunteer companions