Community Development

Dans la rue

The new Dans la rue Van is the vehicle of its kind in Montréal 100% powered by renewable natural gas. Dans la rue further pursues its social mission of serving homeless youth and proposes a project of sustainable mobility project for future generations.

Photo: Annie-Ève Dumontier

A youth sitting on his bed in the emergency shelter, nicknamed the Bunker.

Photo: Cindy Boyce

Youth are being served lunch in the cafeteria at the day centre.

Photo: Cindy Boyce

The activities offered at the art room of the Day centre help youth to recharge their batteries. They can discover their talents and flourish in an environment that encourages their well-being.

Photo: Dans la Rue

Three employees of Power Corporation participated in the second edition of the Une nuit dans la rue fundraiser event, during which more than $130,000 was raised.

Photo : Pierre Piché

A Philosophy of Dedication, Empathy and Respect

Founded by “Pops”—Father Emmett Johns (1928–2018)—in 1988, Dans la rue provides help for homeless and at-risk young people. With dedication, empathy and respect, as well as the support of the community, Dans la rue assists over 1,000 youths aged 12 to 25 by offering a number of programs and services that include the Van, Day Centre, Bunker emergency shelter and Family Services, as well as supervised apartments. Dans la rue has developed a multi-faceted approach aimed to help these young people in every area of their lives. They learn how to take care of themselves, find a place to live, improve their physical and mental health, work toward self-knowledge, sort out their legal and administrative situations, go about getting an education, or even become a good parent. Throughout the process, the members of the Dans la rue team provide personalized support for each young person according to their individual needs and at a pace they can be comfortable with.

“In recent years, I had the privilege of taking part in the first edition of Une nuit dans la rue, which aimed to make some fifty members of Montréal’s corporate community more familiar with the work of Dans la rue,” tells Pierre Piché, a former Vice-President of Power Corporation. “Thanks to that event, I was better able to understand the difficulties young homeless people face, as well as appreciate the impressive dedication and expertise of the Dans la rue team.”

Dans la rue is extremely grateful for the support it receives from loyal partners like Power Corporation. It makes them feel a little less alone and it also provides them with hope.
Cécile Arbaud
Executive Director
Dans la rue



nutritious meals are served to disadvantaged youth every year


visits were made by the Van in 2021, and the Bunker offered approximately 1,500 overnight stays


See the video from Dans la rue.
