Community Development

Les Voltigeurs de Québec

Infantry soldiers’ training includes the use of arms, managing life when out on mission, first aid, and section-, platoon-, and company-level offensive and defensive manoeuvres.

Photo: Cpl Isabelle Provost

A terrible fire destroyed the Québec City Armoury in 2008. It was rebuilt and inaugurated in 2018.

Photo: Bernard Bastien,

Here Anthony R. Graham, a director of Power Corporation, is joined by André Desmarais, Deputy Chairman of Power Corporation and President of the Honorary Members of Les Voltigeurs de Québec.

Photo: Cpl Isabelle Provost

Les Voltigeurs de Québec comprises a light infantry company, headquarters company, a company including both service elements and an infantry platoon, a company of recruits, a regimental band and a museum.

Photo: Cpl Isabelle Provost

Military Regiment Steeped in History and Tradition

The members of Les Voltigeurs de Québec have long been a part of Canada and Quebec’s history as both citizens and soldiers. In addition to the important roles they have played in the past, these men and women continue to serve their country through frequent missions. Saluting the sense of fellowship that reigns among its members, Power Corporation is proud to support Les Voltigeurs de Québec in its role as a guardian of Canadian values and in its involvement in the community.

Formed in 1862, it is the oldest French-Canadian regiment in the country and has served in virtually every conflict in which the Canadian Armed Forces have been involved since then. An infantry regiment of the Canadian Forces’ Primary Reserve, its members are soldiers who train part time in order to serve in domestic or overseas operations. The current COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the significant part reservists can play in assisting civil authorities in times of emergency.

In 1964, Les Voltigeurs opened its own museum in the Québec Military Armoury, home to the Regiment since its construction was completed in 1887. Although totally destroyed by a terrible fire in 2008, it was rebuilt and reopened in 2018.

As citizen-soldiers, the members of Les Voltigeurs de Québec have been a constant presence throughout the history of both Québec and Canada. While Les Voltigeurs have great historical context, it’s also important to realize these men and women are often called upon to do duty for their country.
André Desmarais
Deputy Chairman of Power Corporation of Canada
President of Honorary Members of Les Voltigeurs de Québec



officers, non-commissioned officers and members comprise the regiment


conflicts have included fighters from Les Voltigeurs since its inception


See videos from the Les Voltigeurs de Québec YouTube
